Xavier Sevillano Domínguez












My name is Xavier Sevillano Domínguez, and I am a member of the Media Technologies Research Group at Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, in the Universitat Ramon Llull of Barcelona, Spain.

I finished my PhD in June, 2009. My thesis was entitled “Hierarchical self-refining consensus architectures and soft consensus functions for robust multimedia clustering”. In a nutshell, it deals with the construction of robust clustering systems for organizing multimedia data collections, based on the combination of the outcomes of multiple clustering systems, an approach known as consensus clustering or cluster ensembles.

My research interests include, but are not limited to:

  • Multimedia data processing: analysis, clustering and indexing
  • Machine learning: classification and clustering
  • Information retrieval
  • Image processing and computer vision
  • Speech technologies: (multi-domain) text-to-speech synthesis, speech enhancement

I was born here, but now I live here, and this is my favourite band.

Contact info:

Xavier Sevillano

Departament de Tecnologies Mèdia

C/Quatre Camins, 30. 08022 Barcelona (Spain)

Telephone +34 93 290 23 81

Email: xavis@salle.url.edu